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Heart problems due to unhealthy lifestyle

Written By Emdua on Jumat, 22 Juli 2011 | 02.08

In addition to genetic factors and unhealthy lifestyle, there are some hidden factors that increase the risk of heart problems.

Find out what the problem. Talk with your doctor if you experience interference below five, as reported from Prevention.

1. skin problems
If you have skin diseases like psoriasis, scaly, red skin, can trigger inflammation in the body. So having these chronic diseases can increase the likelihood of heart disease is almost the same as in smokers.

2. Lack of sleep
You include people who slept only three to four hours a day? Sleep only five hours a day or less at risk of heart disease is greater and far more dangerous, even in healthy people.

3. gum problems
A person experiencing chronic bacterial infection of the gums periodontal, nearly twice as likely to suffer a fatal heart attack.

4. complications of pregnancy
Having preeclampsia (high blood pressure and high protein content in the urine) during pregnancy is two times greater risk of experiencing heart attacks later in life, and also the risk of gestational diabetes by 70 percent.

5. Stress in the workplace
Women with high job demands but it is difficult to control 40 percent higher risk of heart attack and stroke. This is compared with those who have jobs with lower stress levels.
02.08 | 0 komentar | Read More

impotence will continue to grow

Most men who experience erectile dysfunction (ED) or impotence felt very shy and kept to themselves. In fact, until someone does not want to consult a doctor because it really did not feel confident.

In fact, if they soon came to sexual health experts and convey all the complaints, the doctor will be willing to help find a solution by first finding the causes of sexual disorders.

"Some diseases that can cause erectile dysfunction are diabetes mellitus, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and even heart disease is dangerous," said Chairman of the Department of Urology Faculty of medicine / RSCM Dr. Dr. Nur Rashid, SpU (K) in Jakarta.

Impotence is the inability of a man to achieve or maintain an erection for satisfactory sexual intercourse. According to WHO data in 1995 and there are 152 million men in the world who suffer from impotence. It is estimated that by 2025 the next will increase to 225 million cases.

In addition to seeing a health professional, the role of wife is also very important to help deal with these psychological sexual disorder. Women are advised to help create a conducive atmosphere, being more wise and patient with your partner. And remember, not to denounce and humiliate him.

"Because, a lack of patience and denounced will exacerbate DE," The soul of the RSCM Specialist, Dr. Charles Damping, SpKJ (K) added.

Charles strongly recommend that people who experience impotence to immediately see a specialist.
02.05 | 0 komentar | Read More

Make Marijuana Impotence

Smoke marijuana, it has a negative effect on male sexual health. According to studies, men are likely to experience sexual dysfunction.

The research was conducted by Rany Shamloul, doctors from the University of Ottawa, Queen's University, in Canada, and also the University of Cairo, Egypt.

During this time, marijuana is known to increase sexual desire, but recent research proves otherwise. Shamloul said people who smoke marijuana, his penis was found in the receptor active ingredient. Therefore, said Shamloul, young people should re-think again if you want to suck it.

These receptors are found in smooth muscle of the penis. From laboratory studies indicate that tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) has an inhibitory effect on the muscle, was quoted by LiveScience.

"This is more serious than the problem of erectile dysfunction because between 70 to 80 per cent of the penis consists of smooth muscle," said Shamloul.

The study was first to study the influence of marijuana and sex begins in the 1970s. Several studies have found marijuana has the effect of "love drug." In a 1982 study published in the Journal of psychoactive Drugs, 75 percent of men who smoke cannabis say they are the better sex lives.

Meanwhile, another study in the journal and the same year found that the risk of erectile dysfunction can be doubled because of the use of a common type of marijuana. Another study showed a dose effect, in which the use of cannabis in small amounts had little impact on sexual dysfunction, but marijuana can make the erection is reduced.

But according Shamlaoul, there are some problems in the study. That's because no studies using validated measurement techniques when doing a survey on men about their sexual lives.

Things become perharian Shamloul the 2010 study published in the journal European Urology. In that study found receptors for THC, the active ingredient contained in marijuana, in penile tissue in five patients and six male rhesus monkeys.
02.03 | 0 komentar | Read More

preventive HPV vaccine

Human papilloma virus (HPV) is identical to trigger cervical cancer in women. But in men, the virus also could be a serious problem, namely disease warts around the genital skin. The disease is known as "cock's comb".

Form of HPV in men is not just a "cock's comb", but also warts around the mouth due to perform oral sex. If the disease suffered by her husband, it can easily pass on his wife.

During this preventive HPV vaccine is preferred for women. However, the fact can also be given to men, as a precautionary measure disease "cock's comb".

"Giving the vaccine in men, not just as a precaution for himself, but also a pair of cervical cancer prevention," said dr. Wresti Indriatmi, Leather Gender Specialist, in Jakarta, Saturday, February 19, 2011.

Risk factors for HPV in men, according to dr. Wresti, among others, the behavior of change-change your partner, not circumcised, and having sexual relations with same-sex.

To reduce the risk of transmission of HPV in the genital area, there are some steps that can be done. First, abstinensia sexual contact, that is if one partner genital HPV is detected, it temporarily abstain from sex until cured.

Second, mutual lifelong monogamy. Third, use a condom, especially for risky sexual behavior, although this can not be used as protection. And, finally, do the vaccinations.
02.01 | 0 komentar | Read More

Know the Mystery of Epilepsy

A person who has epilepsy is often ostracized. In fact, they can live like a normal healthy person. It is very important to know information about epilepsy, especially that you are not misunderstanding about this disease.

According to dr. Jofizal Jannis, a neurologist from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, epilepsy is similar to the relationship of electrical current that occurs in the brain. When attacks occur, it can cause seizures, killing consciousness, feeling uncomfortable, muscle cramps, dark vision, or a combination of these symptoms.

The cause of epilepsy can be easily known but could be without cause. "A common cause is high heat, impact on the head, infectious disease, pressure on the brain, or chemical imbalances. Often these attacks occurred as if without cause," said dr. Jofizal.

To find out the cause in detail, it should be a thorough medical examination. But the most important thing is knowing how to act right when you come across siblings, relatives or others who have epilepsy.

Here are some actions you should do, as reported by the informational pamphlets Epilepsy Clinic, Department of Neurology, Hospital Cipto Mangunkusumo.

- Stay calm

When viewing a person stricken with epilepsy, avoid panicking. Try to stay calm. It will be much more helpful and you can think more to act more precisely.

- Tilt the head

Tilt the patient's head to the side to prevent blockage of the respiratory tract.

- Do not give drinks

Do not put something like a spoon in the mouth of someone who is stricken with epilepsy, including drench. Do not also try to stop the attack by holding or shaking.

- Bring to a safer place

Send the patient to a more secure, calm and quiet when the attack has been completed. Patients usually are still confused and not know what happened.

- Check your doctor

Immediately to the hospital if this is the first attack or if the attacks are considered different or longer than the form of previous attacks.
01.58 | 0 komentar | Read More

Tujuh Alasan Tak Perlu Diet

Women in general have always longed for a slim body and the ideal. Not infrequently, women to be willing to torture for the sake of getting a diet that fantastic body.

According to the study, excessive dieting, though fruitless, sometimes it was a cause new health problems. Therefore, rather than torture yourself, wasting time, and effort and cost, it would be better if you do not diet. But, of course you have to have a healthy lifestyle, eating a balanced nutritious diet and diligent exercise. When this is done, slim body ideal is yours.

Talking about diet, you should know ahead of time that could harm it causes. Thus, this negative effect does not happen to you someday, quoted from the Shine:

1. Malnutrition

Sometimes diet encourages a person to do extreme things, such as avoiding food groups that really needed the body, such as carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

You do not need to avoid it, otherwise limit the intake just enough to keep your body balanced. Avoid a major food will only result in a person vulnerable to malnutrition.

2. Behavior that is not sustainable

Forced to reduce food, it can lose weight fast. But it can make you hungry. This condition can encourage you to be tempted back to eating a lot. Eventually your weight goes up again.

What to do? Change the mindset of eating healthy as a lifestyle, not as a diet. This will help you lose excess weight while maintaining weight.

3. Could do the extreme

When you lose weight with extreme way, in the end, you will only have the extreme desire anyway. One day you have a diet "very good," next "very bad." You may have heard this called the "yo-yo dieting."

It would be better if you apply the philosophy of moderation. Enjoying the food you get and set healthy eating patterns.

4. Lack of energy

Dramatically reduce your calorie intake will result in you get tired quickly so it is not productive. Instead, you must understand about healthy lifestyles by providing foods that are healthy too. So, what's the point if your sexy body limp.

5. Activity

To lose weight, you are still advised to eat well. Diet does not mean having to run a marathon to burn calories. Because, you actually have enough to live actively. With so many calories can you burn. In addition while increasing metabolism.

The way that you remain active, can by trying to avoid the elevator at work, otherwise use the manual steps. This will help you get the sweat from burning calories.
01.55 | 0 komentar | Read More
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