Make Marijuana Impotence

Written By Emdua on Jumat, 22 Juli 2011 | 02.03

Smoke marijuana, it has a negative effect on male sexual health. According to studies, men are likely to experience sexual dysfunction.

The research was conducted by Rany Shamloul, doctors from the University of Ottawa, Queen's University, in Canada, and also the University of Cairo, Egypt.

During this time, marijuana is known to increase sexual desire, but recent research proves otherwise. Shamloul said people who smoke marijuana, his penis was found in the receptor active ingredient. Therefore, said Shamloul, young people should re-think again if you want to suck it.

These receptors are found in smooth muscle of the penis. From laboratory studies indicate that tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) has an inhibitory effect on the muscle, was quoted by LiveScience.

"This is more serious than the problem of erectile dysfunction because between 70 to 80 per cent of the penis consists of smooth muscle," said Shamloul.

The study was first to study the influence of marijuana and sex begins in the 1970s. Several studies have found marijuana has the effect of "love drug." In a 1982 study published in the Journal of psychoactive Drugs, 75 percent of men who smoke cannabis say they are the better sex lives.

Meanwhile, another study in the journal and the same year found that the risk of erectile dysfunction can be doubled because of the use of a common type of marijuana. Another study showed a dose effect, in which the use of cannabis in small amounts had little impact on sexual dysfunction, but marijuana can make the erection is reduced.

But according Shamlaoul, there are some problems in the study. That's because no studies using validated measurement techniques when doing a survey on men about their sexual lives.

Things become perharian Shamloul the 2010 study published in the journal European Urology. In that study found receptors for THC, the active ingredient contained in marijuana, in penile tissue in five patients and six male rhesus monkeys.

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Make Marijuana Impotence

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